This is where you will find the latest news from Azurar Consultants. News about our new services, updates on opening hours and offers.
23rd January 2025
Azurar Consultants can help you to improve your email security and reduce your spam. This will improve greatly the chance of your emails being delivered. In addition Azurar’s changes lead to greater compliance.
If you would like to learn more about what we can do to improve your email security; please fill in our contact form. Contact Us
19th September 2024
With many companies continuing to operate in a hybrid fashion following the pandemic, Azurar’s Remote Project Management service continues to offer a cost effective alternative. Traditional (pre-pandemic) onsite project management has been adapted to allow companies to use the service in a flexible manner. The pandemic forced many companies to change the way they operated. For some the change was a challenge, others have adapted and benefit from hybrid working. All the normal interactions with staff, suppliers and customers, still happen but are more fluid and tailored to the locations of those involved. The remote nature of working from home during the pandemic was a new experience for many. For some it will have halted projects and raised questions as to how projects can restart in a socially distanced world.
Azurar is able to help. To aid customers Azurar has launched the new service; Remote Project Management. This allows most of the work to be undertaken remotely with the minimum of face to face meetings. This also has the benefit in reducing travel costs for clients.
Azurar has worked with remote teams for many years, often in multiple countries spread over many time zones. As such we are familiar with the needs and challenges of remote management. Simple pragmatic processes can be created, with geographically separated teams fully engaged with the project objectives and needs. Communication in any project is key. To that end, we can arrange for meetings to be held virtually using a variety of methods including Microsoft Teams, Skype, WebEx or Zoom. This new, cost effective alternative to on site project management will enable your projects to continue to be professionally managed whilst maintaining safe working practices for all involved.
If you have a requirement and would like to hear more, please use or use the contact form to inquiry about our services.